Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Three Nights and a Day

Well, here we are, three days into the week and there's not a lot more to show for our work; even though we've spent every evening from 4:30 - 7:00 p.m., the progress is very slow-going.  Our ten foot-high west wall means a lot of lumber for siding.  So far we've used an entire big pine tree's-worth of 1X stock for siding and we're still a ways off.  Alan and Tera spent most of the day framing-in the Plexiglas windows and securing the cross pieces of the walls.  There is no doubt we're not doing any of this project conventionally from a carpentry standpoint, but that's part of the challenge.  I'd like to say it's fun, but I'm finding my grumpy voice is the most prevalent, lately. As added pressure, the girl for whom this is all being done, Clarabelle the Jersey Heifer, is very close to calving.  She looks to be in the early stages of labor which could mean...any time now.  

Up's back to the sawmill for more milling.  We've got three or four more blued-pine logs on deck, but they take about an hour apiece to deconstruct and there aren't that many hours in an evening.  This weekend we might be able to put on a final push...but by then Clarabelle will have probably calved.  Plus, this winter's calves need branding.  There's plenty of feed on the hill and they are smelling the green stuff.  Sunday we'll probably be letting them across the road.  Maybe by the end of the weekend, we'll have a fully-constructed milking barn, a herd of cows on their spring pasture, and a lactating milk cow.  What a difference a few days (might) make.

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